Saturday, October 24, 2009

update lu~

so fst reach til the last day of sem break d...

all of the housemates wil cum bek ~
results will b announced soon sumore

ply bek to last week
bcox of muet
my dear n i hv to cum bek earlier

b4 the day caming bek to malacca,
i had been to KL agin..
to attend my cousin sis's wedding dinner...
i dunoe thr was a wedding dinner thr
so i nvr bring bek my cosmetic!!

dat cousin sis is my granpa's 1st wife's daughter
i dunoe her as well...
the main purpose i go kl is to visit my auntie who jux get cancer
i wish her get well soon!!!!
PS:she already had her operation last monday..^^

my mum,5th aunt who get cancer n 4th aunt

once reach KL,
after had my brunch,
den i straight go to meet my hometown frens,liwen n jascyn~
ALONE shopping for 1 hour while waiting for dat 2 turtles!!
alone shopping makes me suffering a lot!
dun 1 to try it anymore!kns!~

she still the same,pretty~

xin xin v her new bf~she been chged to soft n behave..haha

the nite b4 muet
im so panic..
dunoe wat the held was going on..

whn muet,
i gt lots thg to say
but jux say out sum..
mayb weak in speaking eng..
but overall,

after muet
my real holidays had been cuming!!hurray!~
evyday on9,stick v my dear while watching XING GUANG DA DAO~
they can sing vry vry vry well
sumore the PK plyers's skill...
i cant describe
sum of them even can b a singer edy~

1 day
v knew dat kent wil b bek soon along v his MUM n BRO
so v decide to have a gotong royong at our home
after hlaf of daylight
finally it been finished!~yeah~
so mny works to do ,u noe?
so pls la..
throw rubbish into dustbin o plastic nxt time..
sweep the floor of living room sumtimes..
THX ya~hoho~

im teeth-ache ing..
vry vry pain ...
unsual pain..
after the orthodontic checking yesterday!!!!!
make me cant slep well!!!


yishi said...

Thk for cleaning the whole house ^^

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