Friday, October 16, 2009

sem break~

8 of oct ,round 11 am
was the time to get party for most of the management students
ngek ngek~

after got out from exam hall
i awaken a pig hu named see yin
to cum n had breakfst v us

den v straight headed to SC(super cheap)
to had our break fst..

during dis exam week
i had my supper almost evry nite..
so i could predict if there was any increasement in m weight

once went bek home~
the 1st thg dat v wil do for sure was
turning on our laptop!
surf FB!!!
i wished to surf it for 24 hours since i already bear up nt to surf it for longer time during the exam week~

after 1 n half hours
me n see yin beh tahan edy
headed to room to take a nap~

once wake up
dat see yin~felt unwell
v r so bad luck
last time i tot i can go to her bro's wedding dinner
but finaly its failed bcox of my sickness
now,v were already finished the stupid final exam
decided to hv a fun after dat

v stil hv a nice nite on dat nite
although it was not so fun as i expected...
eat a nice japan meal
sing k for 5 hours
yum cha
chit chat~

blur blur~

she so slim edy~ish~!

on 10 of oct
i had to attend to NS reunion in TS.KL

so, early in the morning
i had oredi wake up
but stil nt enugh time to set my hair up
n i jux use up 10 min to finish my make up..

after v al done with personal dress up
v had to check up al the stuff at home
close the tangki,electric
cox after 2day,
no more ppl wil b at home
so v had to rush rush rush~
scared of brixand wait too long thr~

miss up the 9 am bus~yeppy!!
v ride the 9.30 am bus up~!!hoho~

v had oredi late to the gathering about 1 hour
but its ok
cox v r nt the LATEST!!!

saw them bek
sum bcome cooler n cooler
sum from nvr talk in ns but then so frendly to me at dat day...
sum owex met up instead of dat gathering day (sarjan)-his face so fair edy~
(frog)-stil so "frog"
thx guys
had a nice memory plyback after dat~


annie's pose!!!

wat i do nxt?
its for sure~
deng deng deng deng~

al of the clothes cheap like HELL!!!
in malacca
if v wish to buy those clothes
v had to order from forum
wait for so long jux can get them
but now~
i bought bought bought

within half hours
i had oredi buy 5 clothes,1belt..
n jux spend up RM95
KL was my shopping paradise...

headed to titiwangsa
n go bek lu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it had been oredi 3 months din go bek
miss my family so much...

during the 1 week sem break
i had read sum eng book
cox there wil b a MUET exam for me during the 2nd week sem break
other dan dat
evry day cook dinner for my family
n let them praise~


yin said...

hahaha...paisei la bcs i m sick...kakaka...nvm la at least u can see at that time =)
fuyoo praise me lea...ya at time slim but now return back already la T.T

DeBBie~ said...

perhaps return bek d~
i tel u
if nt
i wil make u fat FAT!

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