Sunday, March 28, 2010

update update~

i hv been long time no updated my blog~
nvm, since thr is no ppl to read it 1..

i wonder y thr r mny ppl like to promote their blog to others?
if can, i wish to switch it off
nt to let others ppl read my secret
unless al of my secret r happy thgs~XD

so, it was the last sem for my beta year..
i had taking part in sum clubs
purposely i wanted to get my SARPS point
overall, i stil quite enjoy v the club activities...

during dis sem,
i hd no join my previous gang edy..
jux sumtimes outing v my gang's couples,zihui n yujin
curently, my gang had chging to my neighbour..
huiying, her bf ,housemates n of cox her bf's clasmates..

they r funny n talkative..
same 38 v me~
so v r perfectly match buddy whn thr r sum yellow color gossips to talk~

snap a pic b4 going out~=D

27 March~

mny ppl said that i was a rude gal in talkin..
but den i dun think so~
harsh word for me is jux ntg
if u tin it is a vry harsh n rude word for u
den u wil act it as a harsh word
but den i nvr tink dat thr is any rudeness
so i owex speak it~XD
joking ,i wil speak it
seriously angry, i wil speak it oso!
so, i dun care wat others say
i jux wan to b myself

so, as a guy, u can speak it out?
its nt fair..
so pls dun criticize ppl b4 u can get rid of this habit!

well, hope to meet v my best buddy,amy yin in dis cuming sem break~
i cant find any buddy den noe me lots n i can talk to except her~
amy, happy o nt?

so, last bt nt least,
i wish my families n al of my frens healthy owex...
n i can maintain my 1st class as well~

attached v sum doudou 's pics~

doudou dun like to snapped by me~T__T


sen said...

walao,all mmu's friends only,sad....

yin said...

ahahhahaha...HAPPY =)

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