Sunday, September 19, 2010


2mrw banking & finance student's turn to start their final 1st sub!!!
gud luck to all ya!!!!!!!!!!
god bless the questions will be easy like eat nasi!!!!!!!

during dis study week,
mayb too stress, try to escape from reality
no mood to study at all
so i had lots tasty food to "increase the study mood"
actualy its just an excuse for me to gain weight

go to eat tu fan wu out of sudden!but its reali tasty enugh
cheap sumore, go n try ya~
ice-cream n juice unlimited helps to release stress...

wong kok cafe
set lunch promotion, worth n tasty too!!!

pigi newton food court eat~
but nt so nice~
the chicken wings ate at wong kon food court
nt bad nt bad...can hv a try, seafood thr nt bad too!haha~

tu fan wu agin~i been thr twice during dis study week
n oso amigo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
amigo cheap v his western food..reali tasty enough~
the third 1, curry lu rou rice is lunch nearby mmu corner thr
the stall bside the mee fun kuih
its pretty nice dan the downstairs dat 1, n it costs 3.50 oni!
hv a try~!!

bsides outing to eat, i gt cook too~
fried rice, simple yet tasty....for me,ps and his roomate~=)

nice? 4 dishes 1 soup~
haha~ayam itu fried by ps~lol~mux mention dis, if nt he wil angry~
simple but at least no nid to eat outside food which fulled v ajinomoto=)

revision time~
arigato uno uno~^^


**eLLyNeLLy** said...

u update a lot during exam week huh..>__<

Arv said...

She lansi cos study finish

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