Saturday, April 4, 2009

3 of us~

after reading vivi's blog...
i decide to blog @ here oso^^ new here...
duozo yoroshiku oneigaishimashhhhhhhh.....

actually...i dunoe wat can i write here..
but i jux decribe my life recently lorrr...

time pass so fast..its oredi april now..
2 more months to enter to a new sem, an important sem..
our degree year...

play bac to the last 2 sems....
i hv knew a lots of gud frens n of cox sum "nice" frens...
gud frens = hv fun, hv troublesome, settle problems 2gether..
"nice fren"=treat u as well in front of u, while talkin bad bhind u..

as conclusion...
think bout the happy moment n kick the bad memories out~

im vry honored to get to noe 2 of my best housemate in 0802 ..............
they bring fun n happiness to me...
they bring worry n sadnessto me...
they bring trouble some to me...
v oredi pass 3 sem 2gether from 2008 til present...

the nxt sem,
see yin wil b moved to cyberjaya...
vivi will has a new life v her new housemate even new frens...
all of us will have a new life,hopefully a hapy new life...
hope dat our frenship wont be chged.........although new life will b startin soon...
say hi to me whn free~
frenship 4eva ya!~


vivienne said...

i finally get to drag someone to use blogspot...^^
link me up ya...
wun forget u time saw u will WAVE at u and say hi...friends 4eva~
tat see yin la...leave me behind here and run to cyberrrr.. T.T jk laaa~

yin yin~~~ said...

haiz.... wanna apart v two of u le T.T
i m also happy that can knew some friend at here especially u and vivi^^
u must always take care ya and always be happy~~~
u also can find me if u have any unhappy or happy's event that wanna tell me...
I will always on call*.*

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