Monday, April 13, 2009

alamak hei~

recently damn busy...
no enugh slep at al...

lots of conflicts in
findin housemate
doin assignment
doin revision
v him
v frens
v groupmates
v roomate==

can she pls consider of others a litle bit?
can she pls kep quiet whn other slep?
can she pls sle earlier?

can they pls do sumthg for the group?
can they pls kep quiet if din put any effort on our group?
can they pls b hardwork?

can i jux omit evythg?
n prepare for my final exam??

can i hv a sufficient sleeping time?
without any disturbance~

can i move to the new house fster?
stay away from her~

reali fuck them off!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

3 of us~

after reading vivi's blog...
i decide to blog @ here oso^^ new here...
duozo yoroshiku oneigaishimashhhhhhhh.....

actually...i dunoe wat can i write here..
but i jux decribe my life recently lorrr...

time pass so fast..its oredi april now..
2 more months to enter to a new sem, an important sem..
our degree year...

play bac to the last 2 sems....
i hv knew a lots of gud frens n of cox sum "nice" frens...
gud frens = hv fun, hv troublesome, settle problems 2gether..
"nice fren"=treat u as well in front of u, while talkin bad bhind u..

as conclusion...
think bout the happy moment n kick the bad memories out~

im vry honored to get to noe 2 of my best housemate in 0802 ..............
they bring fun n happiness to me...
they bring worry n sadnessto me...
they bring trouble some to me...
v oredi pass 3 sem 2gether from 2008 til present...

the nxt sem,
see yin wil b moved to cyberjaya...
vivi will has a new life v her new housemate even new frens...
all of us will have a new life,hopefully a hapy new life...
hope dat our frenship wont be chged.........although new life will b startin soon...
say hi to me whn free~
frenship 4eva ya!~